12. December 2022 |

Information of business partners about split-off under universal succession

December 2nd, 2022


Dear business partner,

For accounting reasons amcoss GmbH has been transferred into a new company with same
wording in a split-off under universal succession.
The legal and economic identity of amcoss GmbH remains the same for all business partners. Only
VAT number, tax number and company register number will change.

New VAT no.: ATU78747778

New tax no.: 98 358/3782

New company register no: 591503h

All other important data, such as banking accounts, operating location, address, contacts etc.
remain unchanged.
All rights and obligations of previous business dealings are being taken over and continued. So, the
split-off does not affect existing privities of contract with employees, customers or suppliers. This
of course, includes the cooperation with your company.

If there are any open questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me.
We are very much looking forward to continuing our good business relationship with you.

Best regards,

David Erne

Download Information of business partners about split-off under universal succession

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