25. November 2022 |

amcoss sponsored the CMP & Wet Users´ Meeting

amcoss GmbH was sponsor to the CMP & Wet Users´ Meeting held on November 10 – 11, 2022 in Amsterdam. This meeting was characterized by presentations about new developments in equipment, materials, processes, as well as applications and informed about other related topics. It offered networking opportunities and fostered exchange with other members of the community.

We want to thank the organizers of Fraunhofer ISIT and VDE/VDI-GMM Society for Microelectronics, Micro and Precision Engineering for this inspiring event and all other participants for interesting encounters and discussions.


Click here to get more information about the CMP & Wet Users´ Meeting



#wetusers #wetprocesses #cmp #chemicalmechanicalpolishing #fraunhofer #isit #vde #amsterdam




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